
Здравствуйте, хочу узнать, ожидает ли меня смена места жительства и когда? Татьяна 22.09.1984г. // <![CDATA[ /** @preserve version !region_version! ... - вопрос №1425057

*/ var tnscm_adn; /** @define {boolean} */ var ENABLE_CONSOLE = true; /** @define {boolean} */ var ENABLE_ERROR_HANDLING = false; (function (window, document, undefined) { «use strict»; /** @export */ var CONFIG = { «juke_host»: 'juke.mmi.bemobile.ua/bug/pic.gif', «host»: «pagestat.mmi.bemobile.ua», «sslhost»: «sslpagestat.mmi.bemobile.ua», «source»: «source.mmi.bemobile.ua», «err_host»: «er.mmi.bemobile.ua», «timer»: { frequency: 5, // seconds «pings»: [5, 15, 30, 60, 120], «stop_after»: 5, // minutes «check_location_timer»: 1 }, «ads»: { «scan_frequency»: 5, // seconds // minimal size «width»: 50, «height»: 40 } }; extend(CONFIG, window.addonCMeter && addonCMeter.config); /** * Prepare CONFIG array for use. Apply local params for the specific domain. Add parameter for be able to work in iframe (by default is true). * **/ if (CONFIG[«custom_url»] && location.host === CONFIG[«custom_url»][«href»]) { CONFIG[«ads»][«scan_frequency»] = CONFIG[«custom_url»][«banner_scan_frequency»]; CONFIG[«work_in_frame»] = CONFIG[«custom_url»][«work_in_frame»]; } else { CONFIG[«work_in_frame»] = true; } // this part is already in helpers.js /** * Extend destination object with the items from the source object. * If 3d argument is true, functions from the source are bound and then copied.* Function returns nothing, first argument is modified instead * * @param {Object} dest destination, where to copy items from the source * @param {Object} src source object from where items are taken * @param {Boolean} [bindFuncs] if true — functions in the source will be bound and returned rather then original functions */ function extend(dest, src, bindFuncs) { var k, item; for (k in src) { if (src.hasOwnProperty(k)) { item = src[k]; dest[k] = bindFuncs && «function» === typeof item? bind(item, dest): item; } } } var head = { js: function (src, cb) { var s = document.createElement(«script»), head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; function done (err) { s.onload = s.onerror = s.onreadystatechange = null; if (cb && typeof cb == «function») { cb(err); } } extend(s, { «async»: true, «type»: «text/javascript», «onload»: function () { done(null); }, «onerror»: done, «onreadystatechange»: function () { if («loaded» === s.readyState || «complete» === s.readyState) { done(null); } } }); // put src assigning after extend() to make sure it // is being set later than other attributes s.src = src; head.insertBefore(s, head.lastChild); }, onready: function (cb) { function done() { each(head.onready.funcs, function (cb) { cb(); }); delete head.onready.funcs; } function onreadystatechanged() { if («loading» !== document.readyState) { done(); document.detachEvent(«onreadystatechange», onreadystatechanged); } } if («loading» !== document.readyState) { cb(); return; } if (head.onready.funcs) { head.onready.funcs.push(cb); } else { head.onready.funcs = [cb]; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener(«DOMContentLoaded», done, false); return; } if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent(«onreadystatechange», onreadystatechanged); } } }, ready: function (cb) { head.onready(cb); } } window[«idCoreOnReady»] = function(id){ IDCore[«onFlashReady»](id); }; window[«tnsOnStatResult»] = function(e){ console.log(«result:» + e.result + " pid:" + e.pid + " e.id: " + e.id); if(e.result != «success») { } }; // generate random value // unused in extension function random(){ var d = new Date().valueOf().toString(); return parseInt(d.substr(d.length — 8, d.length)) + Math.round(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, 9)); }; // resolve url by site protocol, host and path // unused in extension function getUrl(host, sslhost, path){ return location.protocol + "//" + (location.protocol == «https:»? sslhost: host) + path; }; // bind function to another scope // bind function implementation // unused in extension function delegate(fn, scope){ return function(){ return fn.apply((scope || window), Array.prototype.slice .call(arguments)); }; }; // return now in unixtime function time(){ return new Date().getTime(); }; // send requests by cors function createCors(errorHandler){ var cors; try { if(window.XDomainRequest) { cors = new window.XDomainRequest(); if(errorHandler){ cors.onerror = function(){ errorHandler.call(null, cors); }; } } else { cors = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(errorHandler){ cors.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if (cors.readyState == 4) { if(cors.status == 200){ }else{ errorHandler.call(null, cors); } } }; } } } catch(e) { console.error(«cors:» + e); } return cors; }; // check is mobile by regex from useragent // double var isMobile = (function(){ return /Mobi|Mini|Symbian|SAMSUNG|Nokia|BlackBerry|Series|Bada|SymbOS|PLAYSTATION/g .test(navigator.userAgent.toString()); }()); // add param to url function addParam(url, param, value){ var newurl = url; var delimiter = "&"; if(newurl.indexOf("?") == -1) { delimiter = "?"; } newurl += delimiter + param + "=" + value; return newurl; }; /* create UUID * */ function createUUID(){ var s = []; var hexDigits = «0123456789ABCDEF»; for( var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1); } s[12] = «4»; s[16] = hexDigits.substr((s[16] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1); return s.join(""); }; function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure){ document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires)? "; expires=" + expires: "") + ((path)? "; path=" + path: "") + ((domain)? "; domain=" + domain: "") + ((secure)? "; secure": ""); }; function getCookie(name){ var cookie = " " + document.cookie; var search = " " + name + "="; var setStr = null; var offset = 0; var end = 0; if(cookie.length > 0) { offset = cookie.indexOf(search); if(offset != -1) { offset += search.length; end = cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if(end == -1) { end = cookie.length; } setStr = unescape(cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return (setStr); }; function deleteCookie(name){ document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'; }; var hasLocalStorage = (function(){ try { return «localStorage» in window && window[«localStorage»] !== null; } catch(e) { return false; } }()); var hasFlash = (function(){ if(typeof navigator.plugins == «undefined» || navigator.plugins.length == 0) { try { return !!(new ActiveXObject(«ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash»)); } catch(er) { return false; } } else { return navigator.plugins[«Shockwave Flash»]; } }()); var isIE = (function(){ return /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent); }()); var isIE7 = (function(){ return /MSIE\ 7/.test(navigator.userAgent); }()); function getBody(){ var body; try { body = document.getElementsByTagName(«body»)[0]; } catch(e) { } if(typeof body == «undefined» || body == null) { if(typeof document.body != «undefined») { body = document.body; if(!body) { // console.warn(«body is not availible»); } } } return body; }; var isCookieEnabled = (function(){ var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled)? true: false; if(typeof navigator.cookieEnabled == «undefined» && !cookieEnabled) { document.cookie = «testcookie»; cookieEnabled = (document.cookie.indexOf(«testcookie») != -1)? true: false; deleteCookie(«testcookie»); } return (cookieEnabled); }()); function isNotEmpty(str){ return undefined !== str && null != str && str.replace(/\s/g, "") != ""; }; function getPath(str, root){ var path = str; if(path.toLowerCase().indexOf("/") == 0) { if(root) { path = root + path; } else { var location = window.location.protocol.toString() + "//" + window.location.hostname.toString() + window.location.port.toString(); if(location != "") { path = location + path; } } } return encodeURIComponent(path); }; function round(n){ return Math.floor(n * 100) / 100; }; function makeArray(items){ try { return Array.prototype.slice.call(items); } catch(ex) { var i = 0, len = items.length, result = Array(len); while(i < len) { result[i] = items[i]; i++; } return result; } }; var idScope = (function(){ var scope = «l»; if(hasFlash){ scope = «b»; }else if(window.postMessage && (hasLocalStorage || isCookieEnabled)){ scope = «d»; }else if(hasLocalStorage == false && isCookieEnabled == false){ scope = «g»; } try { if(window.chrome){ for(var i in navigator.plugins){ if(/PepperFlashPlayer/gi.test(navigator.plugins[i].filename)){ scope = «c»; break; } } } }catch(e){ console.warn(«chrome: PepperFlashPlayer — has some error»); } return scope; }()); var IDCore = (function(){ var isReady = false; var host = window.addonCMeter && addonCMeter.hostAddon; var version = «1.73-r52607»; var short_version = version.replace(/-r\d+$/, ""); var juke_host = CONFIG.juke_host || 'juke.mmi.bemobile.ua/bug/pic.gif'; var hostForFlash = «» + CONFIG.source; var cookie = {}; cookie[«id»] = «vplayer_user_id»; cookie[«wasInitialized»] = «tns_was_initialized»; cookie[«wasMigrated»] = «tns_was_migrated»; cookie[«flag»] = «flag»; var wasInitialized = false; var holder = «div_holder»; var buffer = new Array(); var uid = ""; var refs = new Array(); function cds(){ function initCds() { try { var remoteStorage = new CrossDomainStorage(hostForFlash, "/id-core/" + version + "/id.html"); remoteStorage[«requestValue»](cookie[«id»], function(key, id){ onLocalReady(id); }); } catch(e) { console.error(«cds.js:» + e); uid = createUUID(); onLocalReady(uid); } } if (typeof CrossDomainStorage === «undefined») { head.js(host + "/id-core/" + version + "/cds.js", initCds); } else { initCds(); } } function setMigrate(){ var expirationDate = new Date(); expirationDate.setFullYear(expirationDate.getFullYear() + 1); // toGMTString() is deprecated setCookie(cookie[«wasMigrated»], true, expirationDate.toUTCString(), "/", ""); // when everything is okay onLocalReady(uid); } function migrate(){ if(getCookie(cookie[«wasMigrated»])) { return false; } if(isCookieEnabled) { var initialized = getCookie(cookie[«wasInitialized»]); if(initialized) { uid = getCookie(cookie[«id»]); if(hasLocalStorage) { head.js(host + "/id-core/cds.js", function(){ try { var remoteStorage = new CrossDomainStorage( hostForFlash, «id.html»); remoteStorage[«requestValue»](cookie[«id»] + ":" + uid, function(key, id){ if(id != uid) { console.error(«id: » + id + " != " + uid); } else { setMigrate(); } }); } catch(e) { console.error(«migrate:» + e); } }); deleteCookie(cookie[«id»]); deleteCookie(cookie[«wasInitialized»]); } else if(hasFlash) { window[«tns_uid»] = uid; head.js(host + "/id-core/" + version + "/flash.js", function(){ setMigrate(); // delete window[«tns_uid»]; }); } return true; } } return false; } function init(){ wasInitialized = true; if(migrate()) { return; } if(hasLocalStorage) { uid = localStorage.getItem(cookie[«id»]); if(uid) { onLocalReady(uid); } else { if(window.postMessage && !window.JSON && window.localStorage) { head.js(host + "/json2.min.js", function(){ if(getBody()) { cds(); } else { head.ready(function(){ cds(); }); } }); } else if(window.postMessage && window.JSON && window.localStorage) { if(getBody()) { cds(); } else { head.ready(function(){ cds(); }); } } else { onLocalReady(createUUID()); } } } else { if(hasFlash) { if(getBody()) { head.js(host + "/id-core/" + version + "/flash.js"); } else { head.ready(function(){ head.js(host + "/id-core/" + version + "/flash.js"); }); } } else { uid = getCookie(cookie[«id»]); if(!uid) { uid = createUUID(); } onLocalReady(uid); } } } function flushOnReady(){ var i; for(i in buffer) { if(buffer.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var url = buffer[i][«url»]; var params = buffer[i][«params»]; var time = buffer[i][«time»]; var type = buffer[i][«type»]; var onError = buffer[i][«onError»]; if(/^POST$/ig.test(type)) { sendPost(url, params, time, onError); } else { sendGet(url, params, time, type, onError); } } } buffer = Array(); var ref; for(ref in refs) { if(refs.hasOwnProperty(ref)) { refs[ref].call(this, uid); } } refs = new Array(); } function onLocalReady(id){ saveId(id); isReady = true; flushOnReady(); if(hasLocalStorage){ if(!localStorage.getItem(cookie[«flag»])) { (new Image).src = location.protocol + "//" + juke_host + "?uid=" + id + "&time=" + new Date().valueOf(); localStorage.setItem(cookie[«flag»], «true»); } } else if(isCookieEnabled) { if(!getCookie(cookie[«flag»])){ var expirationDate = new Date(); expirationDate.setFullYear(expirationDate.getFullYear() + 1); setCookie(cookie[«flag»], «true», expirationDate.toGMTString(), "/", ""); (new Image).src = location.protocol + "//" + juke_host + "?uid=" + id + "&time=" + new Date().valueOf(); } } } function saveId(id){ uid = id; if(hasLocalStorage) { localStorage.setItem(cookie[«id»], id); } else if(isCookieEnabled) { var expirationDate = new Date(); expirationDate.setFullYear(expirationDate.getFullYear() + 1); setCookie(cookie[«id»], id, expirationDate.toGMTString(), "/", ""); setCookie(cookie[«wasInitialized»], true, expirationDate .toGMTString(), "/", ""); } } function addParams(url, params){ var i, key; if(params instanceof Array) { for(i in params) { url = addParam(url, params[i][«key»], params[i][«value»]); } } else { for(key in params) { url = addParam(url, key, params[key]); } } return url; } function onFlashReady(id){ try { var div = document.getElementById(holder); div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } catch(e) { } swfobjectlite = null; onLocalReady(id); } function getVersion(){ return short_version; } function sendPost(url, params, time, onError){ try { var cors = createCors(onError); cors.open(«POST», url, true); if(!params) { params = {}; } if(params instanceof Array) { params.push({ «key»: «cookie», «value»: uid }); params.push({ «key»: «time», «value»: time? time: new Date().valueOf() }); } else { params[«cookie»] = uid; params[«time»] = time? time: new Date().valueOf(); } if(isIE) { cors.contentType = «text/plain»; } else { cors.setRequestHeader(«Content-type», «application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8»); } var postParams = addParams("?", params).replace(/^\?/, ""); cors.send(postParams); }catch(e){ console.error(e); } } function sendGet(url, params, time, type, onError){ if(!params) { params = {}; } url = addParam(url, «cookie», uid); url = addParam(url, «time», time? time: new Date().valueOf()); url = addParams(url, params); // TODO: If this version will be in production — return send JSONP capability try { // Opera supports CORS only since v12 // For other Operas there is no obvious way to call external API // except injecting script into page if((type && type == «JSONP») || (window.opera && !(«withCredentials» in new XMLHttpRequest))) { var script = document.createElement(«script»); script.setAttribute(«src», url); document.getElementsByTagName(«head»)[0].appendChild(script); } else if(type && type == «GET») { var cors = createCors(onError); cors.open(«GET», url, true); if(isIE == false) { cors.setRequestHeader(«Accept», «application/json»); } cors.send(); } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } return { «init»: function(){ if(wasInitialized == false) { if(isCookieEnabled && !getCookie(cookie[«wasMigrated»])){ if(getBody()){ init(); }else{ head.ready(function(){ init(); }); } }else{ init(); } } else if(isReady) { flushOnReady(); } }, «send»: function(url, params, type, onError){ if(!params){ params = {}; } params[«vt»] = idScope; var now = new Date().valueOf(); if(isReady) { if(/^POST$/ig.test(type)) { sendPost(url, params, now, onError); } else { sendGet(url, params, now, type, onError); } } else { buffer.push({ «url»: url, «params»: params, «type»: type, «time»: now, «onError»: onError }); } }, «onFlashReady»: function(id){ onFlashReady(id); }, «addOnReadyListener»: function(ref){ refs.push(ref); }, «isReady»: function(){ return isReady; }, «getId»: function(){ return uid; }, «version»: function(){ return getVersion(); } }; })(); IDCore[«init»](); /*jslint browser:true,devel:true,plusplus:true,regexp:true*/ /*global TUtility,IDCore,addonCMeter,ENABLE_CONSOLE*/ /** @const */ var VERSION = «3.3.361_ua»; var v = VERSION + "/" + IDCore.version(), perf = window.performance, perf_t = perf? perf.timing: null, started = perf_t? new Date(perf_t.navigationStart || perf_t.connectStart): new Date(), ua = navigator.userAgent, mobile = /android|mobi|mini|blackberry|samsung|bada|nokia|series|symb(ian|os)|playstation/i.test(ua), vendors = ["", «moz», «ms», «webkit»], isFrame = top !== self, id = IDCore.getId(), templates = {}, excludeElements = [], // array for keeping exclude elements from video tags subscribers = {}, previousLocation = location.href.replace(location.hash,""); // Utils /** * Just empty function. Intended for some cases as callback where no actions should be performed */ function nop() {} function random() { var d = new Date().valueOf().toString(); return parseInt(d.substr(d.length — 8, d.length)) + Math.round(Math.random() * Math.pow(10, 9)); }; var hasFlash = (function(){ if(typeof navigator.plugins == «undefined» || navigator.plugins.length == 0) { try { return !!(new ActiveXObject(«ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash»)); } catch(er) { return false; } } else { return navigator.plugins[«Shockwave Flash»]; } }()); /** * Strip initial & trailing whitespaces. * * @param str * @returns {String} */ function trim(str) { if (String.prototype.trim !== undefined) { return String.prototype.trim.call(str); } return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } /** * Apply callback to each element of the sequence (arr item / sting symbol) * * @param {Array|String|NodeList} arr array to process * @param {Function} cb callback to apply to each array item */ function each(arr, cb) { var i, l; if (!arr) { return; } l = arr.length; if (!l) { return; } for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { try { cb(arr[i], i, arr); } catch (ignore) {} } } /** * We need such function since IE < 9 doesn't support it natively for arrays — stackoverflow.com/a/9768663 * * @param {Array} arr * @param item * @return {Number} index >= 0 if found, -1 otherwise */ function indexOf(arr, item) { var i = 0, l = arr.length; while (i < l) { if (arr[i++] === item) { return i — 1; } } return -1; } function bind(fn, obj) { return function () { return fn.apply(obj, arguments); }; } /** * asynchronous version of each function — apply callback to each element of array and call in async way and finally call custom callback * * @param {Array} arr array to walk * @param {Function} cbEach callback to apply to each element of the array * @param {Function} [cbEnd] function to be called on the end of * @returns {Boolean|undefined|Number} setInterval ID, false or nothing */ function iterateAsync(arr, cbEach, cbEnd) { var interval, l; cbEnd = cbEnd || nop; if (!arr) { return false; } l = arr.length; if (0 === l) { cbEnd(); } if (!l) { return undefined; } interval = setInterval(function () { var i = 10; // every time use next 10 items from arr do { l -= 1; if (-1 === l) { clearInterval(interval); cbEnd(); return; } cbEach(arr[l], l, arr); } while (--i); }, 4); return interval; } /** * Extend destination object with the items from the source object. * If 3d argument is true, functions from the source are bound and then copied. * Function returns nothing, first argument is modified instead * * @param {Object} dest destination, where to copy items from the source * @param {Object} src source object from where items are taken * @param {Boolean} [bindFuncs] if true — functions in the source will be bound and returned rather then original functions */ function extend(dest, src, bindFuncs) { var k, item; for (k in src) { if (src.hasOwnProperty(k)) { item = src[k]; dest[k] = bindFuncs && «function» === typeof item? bind(item, dest): item; } } } function on(node, event, cb) { if (window.addEventListener) { node.addEventListener(event, cb, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent(«on» + event, cb); } } /** * Schedule callback to be run when DOM is ready. * Callback will be fired immediately if DOM has already been parsed. * * @param {Function} cb callback to execute */ function onready(cb) { function done() { each(onready.funcs, function (cb) { cb(); }); delete onready.funcs; } function onreadystatechanged() { if («loading» !== document.readyState) { done(); document.detachEvent(«onreadystatechange», onreadystatechanged); } } if («loading» !== document.readyState) { cb(); return; } if (onready.funcs) { onready.funcs.push(cb); } else { onready.funcs = [cb]; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener(«DOMContentLoaded», done, false); return; } if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent(«onreadystatechange», onreadystatechanged); } } } /** * Schedule callback to be run on window load. * Callback will be fired immediately if window is * already neither loading nor parsing DOM. * The only argument passed against callback is time when * load state had been reached. * * @param {Function} cb callback function to be run */ function load(cb) { var q; function done() { var e = «loadEventStart»; load.time = perf_t && perf_t[e] > 0? new Date(perf_t[e]): new Date(); while (q.length) { q.shift()(load.time); } } if (load.time) { cb(load.time); return; } if (!load.queue) { load.queue = []; on(window, «load», done); } q = load.queue; q.push(cb); if («complete» === document.readyState) { done(); } } function onViewportChange(cb) { on(window, «scroll», cb); on(window, «resize», cb); cb(); } // TODO: Investigate if it is better to pass object w/ methods // instead of two separate callbacks. // Will it need to implement @interface to compile properly? function onVisibilityChange(cbVis, cbInv) { var i, field; cbInv = cbInv || nop; function trigger() { var state = document[field] || «visible»; switch (state) { case «hidden»: cbInv(state); break; default: cbVis(state); break; } } for (i = 0; i < vendors.length; i++) { field = vendors[i] + «VisibilityState»; field = field.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + field.substring(1); if (document[field]) { // we create and register new trigger() on // every call to function onVisibilityChange on(document, vendors[i] + «visibilitychange», trigger); if («hidden» !== document[field]) { trigger(); } return; } } trigger(); } /** * Split string to Key-value object. * @param {String} source string for parse * @returns {Object} Key-value Object */ function parseParams(source) { var params = {}; if (source) { each(source.split("&"), function (param) { var p = param.split("="); params[decodeURIComponent(p[0].toLowerCase())] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]); }); } return params; } /** Function tries identify path to ads destination. * * @param {Element} node for inspection. * @returns {String|Boolean} path to ads source or false. */ function getDestinationPath(node) { var tagName = node.nodeName, cl, param_str, params_list = node.childNodes, parent = node.parentNode, node_attr = '', params = {}; function findParam(params) { var result = false; each(['link1', 'clicktag', 'alink1', 'url'], function (attr_value) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(attr_value)) { result = params[attr_value]; } }); return result; } switch (tagName) { case «IMG»: while (parent) { if («A» === parent.nodeName) { cl = parent.href; break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } break; case «OBJECT»: each(params_list, function (param) { if («PARAM» === param.nodeName && «flashvars» === param.getAttribute(«name»).toLowerCase()) { param_str = param.getAttribute(«value»); params = parseParams(param_str.replace(/&/g, "&")); cl = findParam(params); } }); break; case «EMBED»: node_attr = node.getAttribute(«flashvars»); if (node_attr) { params = parseParams(node_attr.replace(/&/g, "&")); cl = findParam(params); } break; } try { if («string» === typeof cl) cl = decodeURIComponent(cl); } catch (ignore) {} return cl; } function getDocumentHeight() { var b = document.body, d = document.documentElement, h = b? Math.max(b.scrollHeight, b.offsetHeight, b.clientHeight): 0; return Math.max(h, d.scrollHeight, d.offsetHeight, d.clientHeight); } function isVisible(node) { var retVal = false, r, rects = node.getClientRects(), h = getDocumentHeight(), i = rects.length; while (i--) { r = rects[i]; if (0 === r.width || 0 === r.height) { continue; } if (r.top > 0) { return r.top <= h; } if (r.bottom > 0) { return r.bottom <= h; } retVal = true; } return retVal; } /** * Get specific style's value of the DOM element * * @param {Element} element DOM element to explore * @param {String} name style name * @returns {String|null} Text style value **/ function getStyle(element, name) { var s; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { // W3C name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(); s = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); return s && s.getPropertyValue(name); } if (element.currentStyle) { // IE? return element.currentStyle[name]; } if (element.style && element.style[name]) { return element.style[name]; } return null; } /** * Calculate offset of the element, taking into account all his parents. * If on any step there is NaN (seems no offsetTop / offsetLeft property) — undefined is returned instead * Falsie argument returns (0; 0) coordinates * * @param {Object} e DOM element object * @returns {Object} {left: X, top: Y} */ function getOffset(e) { if (!e) { return { top: 0, left: 0 }; } var offset = { top: e.offsetTop, left: e.offsetLeft }, parent = getOffset(e.offsetParent); offset.top += parent.top; offset.left += parent.left; if (isNaN(offset.top)) { offset.top = undefined; } if (isNaN(offset.left)) { offset.left = undefined; } return offset; } // WARNING: it will return zero as height for document.body if there is // only one element on page and it has been positioned absolutely function getSize(node) { var props = { w: [«paddingLeft», «paddingRight», «borderLeftWidth», «borderRightWidth»], h: [«paddingTop», «paddingBottom», «borderTopWidth», «borderBottomWidth»] }, s = { w: node.offsetWidth, h: node.offsetHeight }, type, i, style; for (type in s) { if (s.hasOwnProperty(type)) { if (s[type] > 0) { i = props[type].length; while (i--) { s[type] -= parseInt(getStyle(node, props[type][i]), 10) || 0; } } style = s[type] || getStyle(node, «w» === type? «width»: «height»); if (/%/.test(style)) { continue; } s[type] = parseInt(style, 10); } } return s; } function getDoc(node) { // second is for IE -1 && index < 8)) { document = getDoc(frame); if (document && document.getElementById) { return true; } } } catch (ignore) {} return false; } function getNodeSrc(node) { var src, i, params, param, flashvars; function checkExcludes(element) { if (-1 === indexOf(excludeElements, element)) { excludeElements.push(element); } } if (!node.tagName) { return false; } if («OBJECT» === node.tagName) { src = node.getAttribute(«data»); params = node.childNodes; if (!src) { // [fix23828] as of msdn.microsoft.com/library/ms536439#5 /* params = node.getElementsByTagName(«param»); i = params.length; while (i--) { if («movie» === params[i].getAttribute(«name»)) { return params[i].getAttribute(«value»); } } */ i = params.length; while (i--) { param = params[i]; if («PARAM» === param.nodeName && «movie» === param.getAttribute(«name»).toLowerCase()) { return param.getAttribute(«value»); } } } i = params.length; while (i--) { param = params[i]; if («PARAM» === param.nodeName && «flashvars» === param.getAttribute(«name»).toLowerCase()) { flashvars = parseParams(param.getAttribute(«value»).replace(/&/g, "&")); if (flashvars[«video1»]) { try { return decodeURIComponent(flashvars[«video1»]); } catch (e) { return flashvars[«video1»]; } } } } return src; } if («VIDEO» === node.tagName) { var sources = node.childNodes, length = sources.length, sourceElement, src ,type; if (!node.canPlayType){ return false; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { sourceElement = sources[i]; if («SOURCE» === sourceElement.nodeName) { type = sourceElement.getAttribute(«type»); if (node.canPlayType(type)) { src = sourceElement.getAttribute(«src») || false; each(node.getElementsByTagName(«embed»), checkExcludes); each(node.getElementsByTagName(«object»), checkExcludes); return src; } } } src = node.getAttribute(«src»); return src; } else { src = node.getAttribute(«src»); if (src != null && src.substring(0, 10) !== 'data:image') { src = node.getAttribute(«src»); } else { if (src && src.substring(0, 10) == 'data:image') { return CONFIG[«juke_host»] || null; } else { return null } } } return src; } function emit (event, data) { each(subscribers[event], function (func) { if (ENABLE_CONSOLE) { console.log(«fire callback»); } data = func.call(this, data); }); return data; } // Classes /** * A message. * @constructor */ function CM_Message(type, obj) { var that = this; function init () { function addonReady(e) { if («AddonCMeterReady» !== e.data) { return; } window.removeEventListener(«message», addonReady, false); that.initialize(emit(«init_» + type)); } // XXX: Google Chrome extension workaround. if ((window.localStorage && «initializing» === localStorage.getItem(«AddonCMeter»)) || (window.sessionStorage && «initializing» === sessionStorage.getItem(«AddonCMeter»)) ) { window.addEventListener(«message», addonReady, false); } else { that.initialize(emit(«init_» + type)); } } on(window, 'beforeunload', function(e) { that.doNotSendError = true; }); if (arguments.length >= 2) { extend(this, obj, true); } /** * `params` must be an array, but may have additional own properties. * They will be sent along w/ ordinary array items. * * For instance, consider the following: * var params = ["~param1~", 2]; * params.customKey = «customVal»; * * This will send following message: * param1: "~param1~" * param2: 2 * customKey: «customVal» */ this.params = this.params || []; this.params[0] = "~cm_" + type + "~"; // since code of cm.js is executed exactly before //

март 26, 2015 г.

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  • дарья - аватарка


    199-й в Эзотерике

    через год будет смена места жительства

    март 26, 2015 г.