Учеба и наука


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A young man was engaged (былпомолвлен) to a beautiful girl, twenty-four years old. The day before her birthday he said to her:

-Tomorrow I will send you roses, one for each year of your life.

That evening he phoned a flower shop and asked the shop-man to send twenty four finest roses to the young girl the next morning.

The shop-man thanked the young man for his order and

promised to do everything he could in the

best way. Then he turned to his assistant and said:

— John, a minute ago I got an order from young Mr. Hill for twenty-four of our best roses. He's a very good customer (покупатель), you know. So put in an extra (дополнительно) ten roses.

When Mr. Hill met his girl on the following day, she was so angry with him, that the engagement was very nearly broken off.

апрель 26, 2015 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Ирина  - аватарка


    14-й в Учебе и науке


    1. How old was the girl a young man was engaged to?
    2. What did he say to her the day before her birthday?
    3. What was the purpose of his when he called the shop-man?
    4. The shop-man thanked the young man for his order and promised to do everything he could, didn't he?
    5. What was his assistant's name?
    6. Was Mr. Hill a very good customer of that flower shop or not?
    7. What did the shop-man decide to do additionaly?
    8. Why was Mr. Hill angry finally?
    9. What do you think if the shop-man's deed was noble?
    10. Would it be possible to restrain his anger for Mr. Hill?

    апрель 26, 2015 г.
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