Учеба и наука


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Angry? (Что ее разозлило?) A young man was engaged (был помолвлен) to a beautiful girl, twenty-four years old. The day before her birthday he 1__________ (to say) to her: -Tomorrow I 2 _______ (to send) you roses, one for each year of your life. That evening he 3_______ (to telephone) a flower shop and .4_________(to ask) the shop-man to send twenty four finest roses to the young girl the next morning. The shop-man 5_____ (to thank) the young man for his order and 6_____ (to promise) to do everything he 7________ (can) in the best way. Then he 8 _______ (to turn) to his assistant and 9 _____ (to say): — John, a minute ago I 10 _______(to get) an order from young Mr. Hill for twenty-four of our best roses. He's a very good customer (покупатель), you know. So put in an extra (дополнительно) ten roses. When Mr. Hill 11__________ (to meet) his girl on the following day, she 12_____(to be) so angry with him, that the engagement 13______ (to be) very nearly broken off.

июнь 21, 2015 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Забелина Вероника - аватарка

    Забелина Вероника

    84-й в Учебе и науке

    1. said
    2. will send
    3. telephoned
    4. asked
    5. thanked
    6. promised
    7. could
    8. turned
    9. said
    10. got
    11. met
    12. was
    13. was

    1. Why was the girl angry?
    2. How many roses did the man want to buy?
    3. How old was the girl?
    4. When did the man telephoned a flower shop?
    5. What did the shop-man say to his assistant?
    6. Why did the shop-man ask to put extra ten roses?
    7. Who was the young man engaged to?
    8. What was the name of the shop-man's assistant?
    9. What was the name of a young man?
    10. What did the shop-man promise to do?

    июнь 22, 2015 г.
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