Учеба и наука


английский - вопрос №164764

Write in the correct form of the auxiliary verbs do,be,or have to complete the questions in Quiz 1.

a)........the town of Timbuktu in Africa?

b)........all birds lay eggs?

c)........dinosaurs lay eggs?

d)........John F. Kennedy the youngest American president?

e)........there ever been a female president of the USA?

f).........the Olympic Games ever been held in the same city more than once?

g).........Switzerland have a president?

h).........William Shakespeare ever livein Lomdon? 

декабрь 15, 2011 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Наталья English - аватарка

    Наталья English

    27-й в Учебе и науке

    a) Is the town of Timbuktu in Africa?

    b) Do all birds lay eggs?

    c) Did dinosaurs lay eggs?

    d) Was John F. Kennedy the youngest American president?

    e) Have there ever been a female president of the USA?

    f) Have the Olympic Games ever been held in the same city more than once?

    g) Does Switzerland have a president?

    h) Did William Shakespeare ever live in Lomdon?

    декабрь 16, 2011 г.
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Вопрос задан анонимно сентябрь 5, 2011 г.

Учеба и наука