Учеба и наука

консультация - вопрос №268805

помгите выполнить задание.

4) Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice, use the same tense

1. The witnesses have identified the criminal

2. The investigating officers are gathering important evidence

3. The jury found the accused guilty

4. The President appoints the Prime-minister


Вопрос задан анонимно май 10, 2012 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Татьяна Викторовна - аватарка

    Татьяна Викторовна

    887-й в Учебе и науке

    1. The criminal  have been identified by witnesses.

    2. Important evidance are being gathered by investigating officers.

    3. The accused were found guilty by the jury.

    4. The Prime-minister is appointed by the Presedent.

    май 10, 2012 г.

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