Учеба и наука

Правильно ли составил диалог ? Excuse me,do you know haw can i get to Department Store Of course! go to the cinema go zebra and go to the right - вопрос №2771804

Excuse me,do you know haw can i get to Department Store

Of course! go to the cinema go zebra and go to the right until you see a sign department store

it is far ?

No,somewhere three quarter

Oh.thanks a lot.Can i ask one more question

Of course

do you know where you can rent an apartment

My neighbors are just renting an apartment

Can I somehow meet with them

I can give you their address right now.

Oh.that would be great.Thanks

You're welcome sir

февраль 14, 2018 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Ксения - аватарка


    2-й в Красоте и здоровью

    Excuse me,do you know haw can i get to Department Store (do you know how I can get to the Department store?)

    Of course! go to the cinema go zebra and go to the right until you see a sign department store (если имеется в виду идите в направлении кинотеатра, то go towards the cinema, cross the street (если под зеброй имеется в виду пешеходный переход) and go to the right until you see a sign department store

    it is far ?

    No,somewhere three quarter (no, about three blocks)

    Oh.thanks a lot.Can i ask one more question?

    Of course

    do you know where you can rent an apartment?

    My neighbors are just renting an apartment (если свою квартиру, то their apartment)

    Can I somehow meet with them (meet them)

    I can give you their address right now.

    Oh.that would be great.Thanks 

    You're welcome sir

    февраль 14, 2018 г.

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