Учеба и наука



Помогите пожалуйста выполнить , лучший ответ поставлю сразу - вопрос №3785484

Задание 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на
перевод местоимения it:

1.Planning gives you a path to follow. It makes your future what you want it to be.
2.Planning is critical. It is the best tool available to help a small business raise
3.If you don’t plan for the success of your business you will fail. It is that simple!
4.It is sometimes difficult to know how to plan and what to plan for.
5.It is important to establish realistic goals with a sound methodology for achieving
6.It is a business plan that explains how the business will function.
7.A business plan describes what a business does, how it will be done, who has to
do it, where it will be done, why it’s being done and when it has to be completed.
8.Planning is not easy. The manager who believes it is, probably is not an effective
9.It is quality that every car maker strives for.
10.It is difficult to machine a porous metal surface.

Задание 2. К предложениям из задания №1 задать вопросы с заданного
4. Is………………………………………………………………….?
7. Does ………………………………………………………………….?
8.What ……………………………………………………………….?

Задание 3. Переведите следующие предложения и задайте по 4
вопроса(общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный) к
каждому предложению:
1.Data speak in favour of this theory.
2.This phenomenon follows the Newton Law.
3.This term has been used for a long time.
4.He encountered this phenomenon for the first time.

май 14, 2020 г.

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декабрь 4, 2013 г.

Учеба и наука