Учеба и наука

Выбрать синоним в зависимости от контекста - вопрос №4322796

However, the growing popularity of Agile practices begs the question of whether they can be applied to the development of tangible physical products and services too?

  1. physical
  2. measurable
  3. innovative

In Engineering, the product development lifecycle is linear and goes through several well-defined, sequential steps.

  1. successive
  2. integrated
  3. direct

From here, the Agile engineering lifecycle proceeds by developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) where only the most viable ingredients of the product are built.

  1. practicable
  2. possible
  3. feasible

Those are examples of iterative cycles that help engineering companies deliver early value and get fast feedback from the market.

  1. trials
  2. poradic
  3. repetitive

Moreover, they allow them to realize some quick financial returns sooner instead of having to wait until the entire product is developed and validated.

  1. response
  2. revenue
  3. turn back

Engineering teams can map their workflows from start to finish. As a result, they will be able to spot bottlenecks and unveil any wasteful activities that are slowing down the work process.

  1. impediments
  2. traffic jams
  3. mistakes

This results in a smoother workflow that keeps cycle time metrics low and throughput levels high.

cycle time metrics — word schedule/task completion time/ time measurement

throughput — efficiency/rate of production/ material flow

май 12, 2021 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Кузя - аватарка


    577-й в Эзотерике

    tangible — 1. physical
    linear — 3.direct
    viable — 3.feasible
    returns- 2.revenue
    bottlenecks- 2.traffic jams
    cycle time metrics- task completion time
    throughput- rate of production

    май 14, 2021 г.

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