

Как избежать большого человека от стресса? Какие аспекты могут помочь им для выхода из этого стресса? - вопрос №498259

How is escape the human from big stress? Which aspects can help them for escaping of this stress? Как избежать большого человека от стресса? 

Как избежать большого человека от стресса? Какие аспекты могут помочь им для выхода из этого стресса?

декабрь 18, 2012 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • ЛИДИЯ - аватарка


    1-й в

    Good morning. Life can be stressful; sometimes you'll have to deal with ongoing stress positively. Stress can have a variety of causes such as family problems, job problems, financial difficulties, poor health, or even the death of someone close to you. It is important to recognize the causes (some stress is natural), take steps to deal with the root of the problem, and tackle the symptoms. Most importantly, don't battle stress alone — ask for help from a professional. Treat your stress as follows:

    1.Treating Stress with Physical Activities: *Work your body out, *Get enough sleep, *Eat properly, *Learn to relax.

    2. Treating Stress with Mental Activities: *Take steps towards thinking more positively, *Be organized, *Identify the things that put you under stress

    3.Treating Stress by Letting Go: *Stop worrying about the things you cannot change, *Take responsibility for making your life what you want it to be, *Develop a sense of humour, *Learn to lean on friends and loved ones

    In what country and what city do you live? I can appoint you a meeting in Manchester Lancashire UK. Reception of patients in London (south Croydon) — the last week of every month.)))

    Sincerely. Lydiya.

    декабрь 19, 2012 г.
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