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Раскрыть скобки в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continues - вопрос №5294097

изображение из вопроса - Раскрыть скобки в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continues

октябрь 13, 2023 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Юлия Шу - аватарка

    Юлия Шу

    21-й в

    Добрый день, Вика!

    В предложениях есть ошибки, я исправила. 

    1. Alice hasn't bought the stamps at the post office yet.
    2. The tourists have been choosing tulips at the florist's for an hour already.
    3. Have you already made a fruitcake? A long queue has been waiting behind the bakery.
    4. Her dog has just eaten a kilo of sausages next to the butcher's.
    5. Grandparents have been waiting for a new issue of magazine for twenty minutes already. They are standing next to the newsagent's.
    6. Julia has already come to the chemist's. The woman has been buying a packet of aspirin for twenty-five minutes.
    7. I've been sitting for two hours at the hairdresser's.

    Обращайтесь ко мне в чат. Буду рада помочь.

    октябрь 13, 2023 г.
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