Учеба и наука


Выпишите предложения с пасивной формой... - вопрос №810753

Выпишите предложения с пасивной формой залога. Washington was founded 1791 in the district of Columbia for the purpose of serving as the capital of the United States of America. The Capitol, where the Congress meet is a very high and beautiful building with white marble columns. It is in the very centre of the city. Not far from the Capitolis the Library of Congress. It holds five million books. THe White House, the residence of the president is the oldest public structure in the capital and one of the most beautiful. Among the newer buildings one of the most impressing is the National Gallery of Art. Washington has wooden areas and red -bricks houses.

октябрь 30, 2013 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Наталия - аватарка


    3-й в Доме и отдыхе

    Здесь только одно предложение в пассивном залоге — самое первое: Washington was founded.......

    октябрь 30, 2013 г.
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