Учеба и наука

вопросы - вопрос №88607

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1)whar btitish  and american holidays do you know&Name some of them

2)do the british give each  other presents on holidays &

3)which of the british holidays would you like  to be celebrated in russia&why&

4)what holidays are very popular with russia people&

5)how are some of these holidays celebrated&

6)do youknow any interesting traditions for these holidays&

7) which are your  favorite  holidays& how do you celebrate them&

8)do you usually  celebrate holidays with your friends or with your relatives&

июнь 13, 2011 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Natalia - аватарка


    3-й в Технологиях

    1)yes, I know halloween
    2)on this day, they dress up in scary costumes and give something to each other

    3)halloween, because this holiday is very unusual.

    4)the new year, march 8, February 23, and valentine's day

    5)on each holiday is celebrated concert, and the house is covered with the table.

    6)for each holiday it is accepted to give gifts

    7) my favorite holiday is new year, I celebrate it with friends

    8) sometimes I note with relatives, sometimes with friends, but more with friends.

    июнь 13, 2011 г.
    Ответ понравился автору

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