Учеба и наука


Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи, соблюдая, где необходимо, правило согласования времен. Заранее огромное спасибо! - вопрос №2298193

1.The Managing Director said: «We are not planning to set up a subsidiary». 2. The Prime Minister says: «Unemployment is falling». 3. The European Union’s trade commissioner said: «The EU is prepared to put all its tariffs on the table for negotiations in the next round of the talks». 4. He asked: «Why has the company done so badly?» 5. She asked the secretary: «How soon will Mr. Hill be back from lunch?»

январь 22, 2017 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Вера - аватарка


    22-й в Учебе и науке

    1. The Managing Director said that they were not planning to set up a subsidiary.
    2. The Prime Minister says that unemployment is falling.
    3. The European Union's trade commissioner said that the EU was prepared to put all its tariffs on the table for negotiations in the next round of the talks.
    4. He asked why the company had done so badly.
    5. She asked the secretary how soon Mr. Hill would be back from lunch.

    январь 28, 2017 г.
    Ответ понравился автору
    Лучший ответ по мнению автора

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