Учеба и наука

.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is. 2. Watch where you’re going! You - вопрос №3802666

are falling / are going to fall into that hole. 3. Jack is always interrupting/has always interrupted me whenever I tell a story. It’s so annoying! 4. Nicole and her husband stay/ are staying in a nice hotel in the centre of the town. 5. The concert is starting/ starts at 9:00 pm. Do you want to go to dinner before that? 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. 1. I _____________ ( not/ meet) Kate and Jason for coffee yesterday, because I was too busy. 2. What ______________ (you/do) at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon? 3. Sam didn’t hear the phone ring because he ____________ (listen) to music very loudly. 4. He picked up his jacket, locked the door and ___________ (leave). 5. When _______________ (you/ start) learning French? 3 Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form. 1. Paul is ____________ (selfish) person in his family.2. I’ve never met a ________( dull) person than Steve. 3. Thanks so much for the flowers!- It’s ____________ (little) I could do. 4. The _________ (much) he said, the angrier I felt! 5. The sooner, the ___________ (well). Everyday English 4 Choose the correct response. 1. I haven’t seen you for ages. ________ A So am I. 2. Thank you very much. _________ B Indeed it is. 3. I’m glad you came. _________ C Couldn’t be better! 4. What a nice day! _________ D I know! You haven’t changed a bit. 5. How’s it going? __________ E Don’t mention it.

май 21, 2020 г.

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