Учеба и наука


Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense and voice. - вопрос №801910

Задание II. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense and voice.<br />1. The harvest of mussel (to reach) now over a million tones a year and is expected to continue to rise.<br />2. The institute (to carry out) some intensive research and the high level of growth proved impressive.<br />3. Long-line mussel farming in the open sea (tointroduce) first to Italy more than fifteen years ago.<br />4. Due to their relatively high prices Spanish fish (not to have) very good chances on the international markets. Псюс перевод на руский.

октябрь 23, 2013 г.

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  • ilina - аватарка


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декабрь 15, 2012 г.

Учеба и наука