Учеба и наука

Задание 2. Перепишите предложения, выделите глаголы tobe/ tohave/ todoи определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский... - вопрос №1596418


  1. The potential market for diesel engines had increased in France by the 1920s.
  2. The potential market for diesel engines had to increase as (таккак) their production was growing.
  3. Germany is to hand over (передать) part of its aircraft fleet to a private (частный) Anglo-German Company.
  4. The scientists’ only obligation (долг) is to make the results of research known to the public (общественность).
  5. How did he and his colleagues acquire (приобретать) their scientific knowledge?
  6. These volumes (книги) do provide some additional information on aerospace industries.
  7. How do we guarantee the safety (безопасность) of those who handle nuclear materials?

Задание 3. Перепишите предложения. Выделите служебные слова it, that, one, определите их функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык. Распознайтеусилительнуюконструкцию It is/ was … who/ that – именно…; It was no before/ until … when – только после…

  1. Our results show that H2O is in talk-bearing rocks.
  2. One of the most interesting rooms in British museum is the one devoted to Egypt.
  3. In the West End of London one can see the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral.
  4. It was steam engines that fascinated the public of the exhibition.
  5. It was not before the year 1940 that a commercial electron microscope had been produced.
  6. It was not before April when the equipment was delivered to the laboratory.

Задание 4. Перепишите предложения. Заполните пропуски одним из союзных слов (who, that, what, which, where, when, whose), укажите, в каких предложениях союз можно не употреблять). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The chip is covered by an anti-reflection coating (оболочка) … minimizes the reflectivity.
  2. The greatest difficulties arise … complicated zircons are analyzed.
  3. Radical Party leader said … his party was leaving the government.
  4. We want people … are proud to be part of our team (коллектив).
  5. There are good reasons … digital displays are widely used in the aviation industry.
  6. We produce one panel … replaces up to 30 traditional analogue dials (шкала).
  7. The first signs of danger appeared in Belgium … almost 50 people were admitted to hospital.

Задание 5. Перепишите предложения. Выделите инфинитив, герундий и причастие и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Recognizing that there was a great future for jet engines, he concentrated on making products of his own design.
  2. It takes only 150 litres of fuel per (накаждого) passenger to fly across the USA.
  3. The two companies are competing for a contract to be settled by the end of the year.
  4. Almost 50 people were admitted to hospital suffering from nausea (тошнота) after drinking Coke products.
  5. A Trent 500 engine will start testing later this month.
  6. The problem of finding long-term (долгосрочный) financing for the air-craft remained.

август 19, 2015 г.

  • Всего ответов: 2

  • Муратжан - аватарка


    87-й в Учебе и науке

    Думаете вы получите ответ бесплатно?

    август 21, 2015 г.
  • Дина - аватарка


    36-й в


    советую Вам обратиться к специалисту напрямую. Таким образом вы сможете проработать данные правила и быть на 100% уверенны в качестве выполненной работы.

    С уважением,


    август 22, 2015 г.

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