Учеба и наука


Определите к какому типу относится каждое предложение (условное ,предложение в косвенной речи, предложение в сослагательном наклонение). - вопрос №803096

1.were there no loss of energy the motion would continue indefinitely once it had been started.

2. in order to maintain motion it was necessary that a force should continually be applied to the moving body.

3. one should always remember that the earth behaves as though it were an immense magnet.

4. specialist explained why the correct heat treatment would restore theconductive properties of this material.

5. but for the insufficient natural lighting, particularly in autumn or winter, which affected the eyesight of the workers, it would not be obligatory to use thousands of day-light lamps.

6. reducing the size of the computer from desktop to laptop,the designers apply efforts to preserve its flexibility lest it shouldnt decrease its productiveness for business use.

7. unless in november 1895, alfred nobel had signed his last will giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace, 830  laureates and 23 organizations would not have been awarded the nobel prize between 1901 and 2011.

октябрь 24, 2013 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • Наталия - аватарка


    3-й в Доме и отдыхе

    Условные предложения -предложения под номерами 1, 5, 7

    В косвенной речи предложение под номером 4

    В сослагательном наклонении предложения под номерами 2, 3, 6

    октябрь 24, 2013 г.
    Ответ понравился автору
    Лучший ответ по мнению автора

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